What to do if MacBook touch Bar is Not Working

Sometimes your MacBook Pro’s Touch Bar stops working; it may no longer be responsive to your touch, effectively rendering its diverse features inaccessible. A number of factors could contribute to this problem, including hardware or software malfunction. When examining software issues, potential suspects may include incorrect settings, faulty applications, temporary software glitches, or an outdated version of Mac OS. In addition, some users have reported the Touch Bar becoming unresponsive during periods of MacBook Pro overheating. Despite the cause of the issue, there are steps you can take to troubleshoot and ultimately rectify the problem with your MacBook Pro’s Touch Bar.

There are some Solutions to MacBook Pro Touch Bar Not Working Issue.

First: To reset your MacBook Pro’s Touch Bar, you can quickly utilize the Terminal. The following steps will guide you through resetting the Touch Bar and potentially resolving any freezing issues. Time required: 2 minutes. Follow these steps to reset the MacBook Pro Touch Bar.

1. Open the Finder App.

2. Click Applications > Utilities.

3. Double-click Terminal.

4. Type the following command: sudo pkill Touch Bar Server

Type your admin password if prompted, then press enter. Congratulations, you have successfully reset your MacBook Pro’s terminal. You can observe the restart process when the Touch Bar flickers intermittently. Take a moment to test whether the terminal is functioning properly. If it still isn’t working, don’t worry, there are additional troubleshooting tips to try.
Second: Reset Your MacBook Pro’s Touch Bar via Activity Monitor. An alternative way of resetting your MacBook Pro’s Touch Bar is via Activity Monitor.
1. Open the Finder app.
2. Click Applications > Utilities.
3. Double-click Activity Monitor.
4. Search for TouchBarServer then Stop its process.
5. Choose Quit to confirm.
6. Also reset the Control Strip process by following step 4.
7. Enter your password when prompted.
Third: Restart Your MacBook:
If the Touch Bar on your MacBook Pro is not working, this solution that has been proven effective is to simply reboot the device. This method is commonly used when encountering issues while using any type of computer, whether it be a Mac or PC. After restarting, make sure to check if the Touch Bar is functioning properly again. If the issue persists, you can move on to the next troubleshooting step.
Fourth: check the settings of your MacBook Pro’s Touch Bar by going to System Settings > Keyboard and ensuring that both App Controls and Show Control Strip are enabled. If they are already turned on but the Touch Bar is still not functioning, try updating your MacBook Pro to the latest version of Mac OS by going to System Settings > General > Software Update and installing any available updates.
Fifth: Outdated versions of Mac OS can often cause hardware and software issues with MacBook Pros, so updating to the latest version should be a priority if you’re experiencing problems with the Touch Bar. If updating doesn’t work, you may need to do a hard reset by resetting the SMC and NVRAM/PRAM.
Sixth: To reset the SMC, shut down your Intel-based MacBook Pro and then press and hold Command + Option + Shift keys for 7 seconds before pressing and holding the power button. To reset the NVRAM/PRAM, shut down your Mac and then turn it on again, immediately pressing and holding Option + Command + P + R until your MacBook Pro restarts.
These steps should hopefully fix the issue of your MacBook Pro’s Touch Bar not working properly. However, if the problem persists, you may need to consider other options as a last resort.
In conclusion, it is recommended to try the troubleshooting tips mentioned earlier to resolve issues with your MacBook Pro’s Touch Bar. However, if none of the tips worked and the problem still persists, the next best step would be to contact Apple Support and schedule an appointment with an expert technician who can diagnose and fix any potential hardware problems. They have the knowledge and expertise to provide the necessary support required to resolve the issue at hand.